How Revolver got its name

We asked the founders for a quick history lesson and they reminisced about the origins of the team...

Rewind to the spring of 2006. Nick Handler drove the name discussion, Marc Weinberger contributed constructive criticism, and Chris McManus just said, “Meh, sounds fine to me,” to all of Nick’s ideas. And it was a new idea every five minutes: Bay City, Bay City Breakers, Silverbacks (that one didn’t make it too far).

The team entered Cal States in 2006 as “Bay City.” That Saturday afternoon, Nick grabbed dinner with Louis Eisenberg at 99 Bottles in Santa Cruz, and the name “Revolver” just popped into his mind. He recalls, “[I] couldn’t tell you for the life of me where it came from, but the minute I said it we decided that it was a good fit.”

Marc and Chris approved the new name but the latter didn’t want any gun imagery, so he pushed for a green apple (Revolver –> The Beatles’ album –> The Beatles’ record label) as the logo. Marc and Nick, though admitted fans of The Beatles, thought that would have been “one of the softest logos of all time.”

Chris’ daughter had just been born under a full moon, and she always pointed out the moon in the sky. It occurred to him that this prominent satellite is a sort of revolver, so he pitched the full moon as the logo. After a conference call, the founders decided on the phases of the moon going around the team name–that it ended up looking like the chambers of a revolver was a bonus!

N.B. Thanks to the three Creators–Chris, Marc, and Nick–for contributing to this piece. Credit for crafting the original logo also goes to Mike Jones (old Stanford teammate of Nick).